Love yourself.
Only when you love yourself are you truly strong and indefeatable.
You deserve to be confident and beautiful.
So live for yourself and treat yourself well. :)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
New blog:
Please update. :)
~*^*^*~ Once Upon A Time...I Believed.
[[4:59 PM]]
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
This is so true. So scary.
~*^*^*~ Once Upon A Time...I Believed.
[[2:01 PM]]
Hi everyone... Today is Sunday. My off day!!! Hahas. Hmm. There's a few pics I wanted to post up quite some time ago but didn't cos either forgot or lazy. Hahas.
Took a picture of this when I was studying at the coffeebean at Singapore Post Centre opposite my house during the exam period. So pretty. Hee~*

Took this when I went to the airport for the L'oreal interview. I went to the airport staff canteen to eat cos I used to study there for O Levels. Brings back a lot of memories cos I used to always eat that when I studied there. Hahas. My favourite Indian rojak! *slurps*

And this is a picture of my workstation at the call center. Hahas. (Yes that's my make-up pouch. Hee. :P)
~*^*^*~ Once Upon A Time...I Believed.
[[12:54 PM]]
Friday, March 10, 2006
Hihi.. Haven't updated for so long. It's the school holidays now and I'm busy and tired with work. Hahas. Just to update, I'm working 2 jobs right now. I'm still working at Zouk on Fridays and Saturdays. From Mondays to Fridays, I'm working at this call center at Science Park with Xue Yun, Mel, Xiu Wen, Kai Li and Linda (& her boy boy). Hee.
The call center job is kind of fun. It's something like a telemarketeer but then again, we don't call people to buy things. It's like, a proper call center. My current project is to help this company confirm their registration for a seminar. Yeps. So like, you call your database, ask for the person and ask that fella if he received the invitation email and ask if he's interested in registering for the seminar. Yeps. Linda, Xiu and I are doing on Malaysia so we are calling to Malaysia. We have other projects on Indonesia and Singapore too. Hahas. Initially thought the Malaysians will speak Malay or something, but surprisingly, it's like calling Singapore companies. They are polite and speak good English too. I guess that's a common misconception that we have. (Or rather, I have. Hahas.)
Work at Zouk is fine. I'm happy working there and the colleagues are fun. Something happened but I'm not really bothered by it now. Cos small matter
la. Hahas. Anyway I love Zouk. Probably not cos of the company... The colleagues there make a difference I guess. It's like Al Dente. I used to love and enjoy working there when Lois, Samuel, Ray, Steph, Eileen, Christopher and Jason were around. After they left, working at Al Dente didn't seem to be the same anymore. The whole place seemed lifeless. It was then that I realised the environment didn't chnage, the company didn't change... It was the colleagues who made the difference. Well, all good things have to come to an end. I know it won't happen again but I'm thankful and treasure the memories now. :)
Will be going Zouk after work today. My big big bag is filled with clothes to change (can't wear clubbing attire to work in a call center right. Muahaha.), contact lense solution (must rinse the protein away cos will be wearing from 6am to 5 am. that's like, about 24 hours. hahas.), make-up bag (a lot of make-up but then again, usually I'll bring this out. hahas.), magazine, water bottle, bus guide, plasters... A lot of barang barang~*
I need to save money. I'm working quite a lot but spending a lot also. Like, I can finish spending what I earn. That's not good. I need to come up with a few goals to improve myself this year. No more
bai4 jia1 nu3. No more messy room. No more... erm. Arh. Let me think about it and then I'll post it up. Oh ya. No more excessive eating. (I ate one whole spring chicken for dinner yesterday. Can you believe it. Hahas.)
Anyway, today is Marcus's birthday! (Happy birthday, Jun Jun!!!) And saturday is Mel's birthday! (Happy Birthday, girl!).
Somehow yesterday when Kai Li (a.k.a. Kylie) sms to tell me Saturday going Cine to eat at Friends and then going "K", I wondered if we would be going to Kbox since they would be eating at Cine. The more I thought about it, the more I freaked out. So I sms Kai Li to ask her which K will we be going. I was kind of relieved when she said Partyworld or Kster. I contemplated not going but even so, I was thinking of asking Kai Li to not go Kbox cos he will recognize her. I just didn't want to see him, nor do I want him to see my friends. What I can't really fathom is, if I'm over him already, and I don't feel anything when I think of him, why is it that I'm afraid to see him? I don't want to see him, I don't feel like seeing him, I'm scared to see him. Why? Is that that I need more time, or I'm running away from this problem? Is it some kind of self-deception which I have not realised? Or don't want to realise? I just don't want to think. Maybe I'm afraid to think. Maybe I just can't be bothered anymore. I don't know what I'm thinking actually. Just let it be.
~*^*^*~ Once Upon A Time...I Believed.
[[9:23 AM]]
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I'm feeling lost now. That guy seemed to be a thing of the past... This present guy's issue has been maid a mountain of a molehill. Like, wtf.
I don't know whether I should cage myself in memories of the past or focus on settling this guy's issue.
But the thing is, no matter what I choose, there's nothing useful I can do.
~*^*^*~ Once Upon A Time...I Believed.
[[9:06 PM]]